The Secret Life of Retaining Walls: How They Hold Up More Than Just Dirt

If you’ve ever wondered how those heroic retaining walls hold back mountains of earth without breaking a sweat, you’re in for a treat. Welcome to the uncelebrated world of retaining walls, the unsung heroes of our Portland landscapes. These sturdy structures are not just about looking good (though they do that exceptionally well); they’re fundamentally about holding the fort—literally!

Why Build a Retaining Wall?

First things first, why would anyone need a retaining wall? Imagine your backyard is a mini hillside that loves to migrate into your patio every chance it gets. Not ideal, right? Retaining walls step in to keep your garden soil from going on an adventure, controlling erosion and providing valuable structural support to sloped landscapes. This means more usable space for you and less daily drama from your terrain.

How Do Retaining Walls Work?

It’s all about the science of pressure and the art of stacking. Retaining walls resist the lateral pressure of soil. In simpler terms, they push back against the earth that’s trying to relocate to your doorstep. They’re like the bouncers of your property line—only a lot more stationary and, typically, less chatty.

Now, let’s break ground on the construction details—don’t worry, we’ll keep it light. A retaining wall has a few key components:

  1. Base:  This is no place for shaky foundations. A solid base is prepared by excavating down to native undisturbed soil and with some retaining wall designs adding gravel and compacting. This isn’t just busy work; it ensures stability and is crucial for wall longevity.
  2. Face:  This is the part you actually see, made from materials like stone, concrete blocks, or even timber. What you don’t see behind the pretty face is the walls thickness and for certain designs the width of the wall can be 50% as wide as the height of the wall. It needs to be appealing because, let’s face it, no one wants an ugly wall.
  3. Backfill:  Behind the wall lies a world of backfill—gravel and free draining material placed allowing the water to drain through or around the retaining wall. We want to build retaining walls not dams.
  4. Drainage:  Speaking of water, proper drainage is the secret sauce to maintaining the pressure and keeping the wall standing proud. Without it, water pressure can turn your retaining wall into a leaning tower of Pisa scenario. Weepholes or perforated drainpipe must be installed in the drain material for proper drainage.

Why Call in the Experts?

Sure, DIY is great for making birdhouses or throwing together a mean bookshelf, but when it comes to holding up a hillside, professional expertise is key. Expert-built walls are not only more reliable and safer but are also designed to complement your landscape beautifully. Plus, no one wants to spend a weekend playing “will this wall actually hold?” with several tons of soil.

At The Wall, our experts are equipped with the tools, knowledge, and experience to ensure that your retaining wall is both a functional powerhouse and a visual delight. From the initial design to the final installation, we handle everything with a level of precision that your back—with its untrained shoveling skills—will thank you for.

Wrapping Up

Retaining walls might not get the glory in the grand narrative of landscaping, but they are critical in making your garden or yard a stable, usable, and beautiful space. And let’s be honest, there’s something deeply satisfying about watching a wall do its job, come rain or shine, without a single complaint.

Ready to give your landscape the backbone it deserves? Contact us at The Wall, where we build walls so strong, even Mother Nature has to knock before coming in!  Call us at (503) 735-9255 or email